Whats the Fastest Way to Straighten Teeth? – Health Advice Now

If not, then it doesn’t make sense for you to go for Invisalign.

Also, what type of braces is best for my ability to properly chew food? Different brackets are available to accommodate different types of system. Some allow you to chew, while some do not.

4. Invisalign

Clear aligners offer a different option in place of braces. They move along your jawbone without braces or wires. It’s ideal for people who’ve had serious accidents like dental trauma that has left patients unable to chew correctly over long time rather than metal bands on your teeth (like braces). Invisalign aligners were designed to suit adults who need braces but don’t want metal braces hindering their vision or causing discomfort through the pressure of biting into them (or even just leaning against something).

Invisalign can be another option many people choose when they need to straighten their teeth with braces. It is a custom aligner brackets that gently move your teeth to a desired position, using no metal bands or wires. In addition, it’s quite painless compared with various other forms of orthodontics.

5. Keepers

Oral retainers can be a fantastic choice for people looking for speedy straightening their teeth but aren’t sure if they are ready put on braces. They are more suitable for people who are older than children and are designed to help to achieve the goals you have set. Retainers are put on the existing teeth, so they will gradually improve their alignment in time.

Brackets are used to align teeth. They fix brackets onto the teeth to ensure that they won’t shift back to their previous position. You can choose between picking between metal, porcelain and plastic retainers. The choice is based on what your dentist suggests and how you use your mouth. Retainers made of metal may be more appropriate for you if prefer a natural-looking appearance for your teeth than plastic.

Retainers can be worn behind small plates.


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